Tourist trails


Trieste: architectural heritage, multicultural tales and culinary pleasures


Fishermen’s trail – The coastal villages of the Gulf of Trieste are rich in attractions and scenic trails. Discover the hidden charms of the Karst villages by foot or bicycle, where houses huddle together against the fierce Bora wind. Their courtyards (borjači) shelter welcoming osmiza taverns, perfect spots to sample local cured meats and wines while soaking in the atmosphere amid ancient stone walls. The region’s most evocative paths are the old fishermen’s trails, winding down from Karst villages to fishing grounds rich with sardines, sea bass and especially tuna. The premier route is the Fishermen’s Trail from Aurisina/Nabrežina to Canovella degli Zoppoli (Pri čupah) – a bay named for the čupe, distinctive single-trunk boats that plied these waters for generations. Here, every rock tells a story, like the famous Two Sisters, and the landscape invites exploration. Let the white limestone dazzle you, breathe in the fragrant Mediterranean flora, gather wild herbs, and savour authentic dishes that blend the best of Karst and Mediterranean cooking.

The trail:

An elevated sun-drenched trail facing the ble sea. Taken on the via Napoleonica in Trieste, Italy

Napoleonic Road and Monte Grisa Trail One of the most famous panoramic trails is the Napoleonic Road, which winds along the Karst ridge from Opicina/Opčine to Prosecco/Prosek, offering breathtaking views over the city below and the Barcola seafront, where you can easily spot the small Cedas harbour, built by the fishermen of Contovello/Kontovel. This 8-km circular route is popular year-round with sport climbing enthusiasts, as the walls are easily accessible and offer numerous routes of varying difficulty.

On the Contovello side, the trail begins below the Marian Sanctuary of Monte Grisa/Vejna, built after World War II as thanksgiving for the city’s protection, on the site of two Bronze Age hillforts. The sanctuary’s platform offers an exceptional view of the gulf, including the village of Contovello atop the promontory and the Miramare Castle perched above the sea. The path then continues on level ground to Opicina/Opčine, where a majestic obelisk in Karst stone welcomes visitors with a stunning panorama of Trieste and its port.

The trail:

The village of Sgonico in the province of Trieste on a hot summer day. Italy

Gemina – An ancient Roman thoroughfare has found new life as a multi-use trail for walkers, cyclists and horseback riders. Beginning in Malchina/Mavhinje’s village square, the path winds through Sgonico/Zgonik’s centre towards Col, linking a string of churches and charming villages including San Pelagio/Šempolaj and Prepotto/Praprot. Along the way, spectacular vistas unfold – from Duino Castle to the Friulian plains and the Grado lagoon. This historic route, used by local farmers and shepherds until recent times, now offers visitors a journey through both landscape and history.


Val Rosandra is a valley, between the city of Trieste and the border with Slovenia.

The Vertikala – along the Slovenian-Italian border and Val Rosandra – The trail, marked with white and blue circular waymarks, follows the Slovenian-Italian border through territory inhabited by the Slovene community in Italy. The Vertikala winds primarily through Val Rosandra, a stunning karst gorge with picturesque overhanging cliffs characterised by numerous karst formations. The route begins near the observation tower close to the village of San Lorenzo/Jezero, continues beneath the Draga Karst, climbs Mount Stena, descends to Bottazzo/Botač and then ascends the opposite slope to the small church of Santa Maria in Siaris. From the other side, the path descends into the Suha valley before continuing along the ridge.
