Our Symbol

A new identity symbol to represent our shared values

We Slovenes in Italy are a unique blend of two cultures, our roots deeply intertwined in both. We serve as an open door and a bridge between two distinct worlds, embodying the best of both. Our traditions – from craftsmanship to agriculture and gastronomy – are rich, unique, and unmistakable.

We inhabit a land of breathtaking natural beauty, stretching from the sea to the mountains, encompassing the rugged Karst, the emerald Soča River, and rolling hills adorned with lush vineyards. In this privileged setting, we excel at combining warm hospitality with offerings of the highest quality.

Our achievements, born from both collaborative efforts and individual talents, often reach exceptional levels of excellence. Whether it’s a captivating concert, a fine wine collection, an elaborate menu, a sports team presentation, a traditional festival, an iconic location, or a high-profile event – wherever we proudly showcase our best to those eager to know us, the symbol of the Slovenes in Italy should be prominently displayed.

These outstanding achievements, along with the emblem that accompanies and defines their origin, serve as the most effective ambassadors of our national community. They are a mark of recognition and indispensable tools for building a strong, distinctive community image that resonates both locally and internationally.

Logo MockUp SVI

Visual identity

The heart is a timeless symbol in Slovenian cultural heritage. Imprinted on a wide variety of objects as a legacy of an ancient folk tradition, it serves as a symbol of good fortune in every important ceremony and a joyful wish for each new day.

Mug Mock-Up - Two Mugs

Guidelines and Resources

Chi ritiene che il proprio prodotto, servizio o creazione, di natura materiale o immateriale, risponda a elevati standard qualitativi e sia in sintonia con le finalità del progetto, può richiedere, in conformità con il regolamento, l’utilizzo del simbolo “Slovenci v Italiji”.


Richiedi il logo

Le istruzioni e il modulo per richiedere l’utilizzo del logo, le informazioni aggiornate e i vari elementi grafici possono essere trovati qui.